One Spirit of Love
A Pentecost Sermon on 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
by Rev. Dr. Sharon E. Watkins
“Many are the wonders of God
Many doors open wide
Many roads that are still untraveled
Many are the gifts that we share
Many are the gifts that we bear
Many mysteries still unraveled
Many gifts, One Spirit of Love, One Spirit of Love”
“Many gifts; one spirit of love,” so goes the song written by Disciples song-writer, Paul Svenson, mirroring this beloved passage of scripture. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.” Beautiful!
To understand the power of this passage, it is helpful to look at its placement sandwiched between two other familiar words from Paul. In Chapter 11, we read about how the Corinthians – a new church start – would gather for worship and the Lord’s Supper – literally a supper. The leisure classes would arrive first, because, they had, well, leisure time for happy hour! By the time the working classes and slaves arrived, the early birds were quite “happy!” and well into the food as well as the drink. Not enough for all.
Click here to read the rest of her 2017 Pentecost Sermon
A Moment for Children on Pentecost Offering Sunday
1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
by Rev. Olivia B. Updegrove
As you prepare to lead the children, please take time to read over our guidelines found under “Children’s Time Dos and Don’ts”
This Children’s Time/Moment includes visuals aids, but keep in mind that children are not abstract thinkers. This visual aid is to help them have a tactile way to engage in concrete understandings appropriate to their age level. Remember to keep it simple and sacred. Take time to pray and prepare prior to worship.
Prior to worship:
1. Print off one “gift person” per child. (Keep these with you for the end of your time together.) 2. Cut out the people.
3. Cut out cross
4. Cut out the four words (Faith, Wisdom, Healing, Understanding)
Click here to read the rest of her 2017 Pentecost Children’s Sermon