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First Christian Church of Paris, Texas: Building Bridges with Kindness

Posts Tagged ‘epiphany’

First Christian Church of Paris, Texas: Building Bridges with Kindness

In April of 2017, First Christian Church of Paris, Texas (FCCP), began working with Hope Partnership to dream about its future and discern what God was calling it to be in its community and beyond. After two all-church retreats, several members of the congregation were chosen as the local Hope team.

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First Christian Church of Bedford: Sharing God’s Abundance

Bedford Camp & Conference Center

“This church is doing an amazing revitalization of Camp Bedford. The God incidences are numerous and noteworthy.”

That’s how Christie Sharpsteen, a Facilitator with Hope Partnership Services, describes First Christian Church of Bedford, Indiana — a congregation she’s worked with since early 2018 when they began the Epiphany process.

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Cana Fund supports a church’s transformational experience


In the past, the small congregation of Henson Valley Christian Church in Ft. Washington, Md., could be characterized as inward looking and not closely connected to the changing community that surrounded them.

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