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Ministry Post-Pandemic Checklist: A Pause in the Dissonance

Posts Tagged ‘non-profit’

Ministry Post-Pandemic Checklist: A Pause in the Dissonance

This week, Ask the Advisors welcomes guest blogger Gilberto Collazo, Vice President of Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) and Lead for Hope Partnership Services

Much of the conversation around post COVID-19 focuses on how to observe all of the social distancing guidelines suggested by the Centers for Disease Control.

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Are we the Church God is calling us to be? Are we the Church the world needs us to be?


This week, Ask the Advisors welcomes guest blogger Gilberto Collazo, Vice President of Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) and Lead for Hope Partnership Services. In his role he has walked alongside Disciples congregations, witnessing the transforming impact of vision.

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