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Coaching Academy prepares church leaders for congregational transformation

Posts Tagged ‘ecumenical’

Coaching Academy prepares church leaders for congregational transformation

ecumenical Coaching-Academy

2018 Coaching Academy participantsINDIANAPOLIS, IN (May 31, 2018) — Church leaders gathered in Indianapolis May 17-19 for the first annual Coaching Academy hosted by Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation’s ecumenical services.

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Hope Partnership launches innovative, shared business model with mainline Protestant denominations

Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation, a general ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that develops transformational leaders through innovative approaches that transform congregations and communities, announces an innovative, ecumenical shared business model with the church extension funds of mainline Protestant denominations.

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New Beginnings service reaches milestone as it empowers congregations across denominational lines


new-beginnings-logoIn 2008, First Christian Church in San Bernardino, Calif., whose sustainability challenges were becoming all too familiar for Disciples churches, signed on to do New Beginnings, a new service offered by then Church Extension and now by Hope Partnership.

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Ecumenical partnership raised to the next level

Michael Whitman

In the past eight years, hundreds of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations have participated in a process called New Beginnings, developed and offered initially by Church Extension and now by Hope Partnership, that helps congregations assess their current condition, strengths and opportunities as they seek to answer the question,

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Denominations join efforts to help Texas congregations make New Beginnings

Transformed and empowered leaders are critical to leading congregations to do God’s mission in the world in this challenging era in congregational life.

Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation offers leadership and ministry resources that help raise up these leaders and prepare their congregations for transformation.

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