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New Beginnings service reaches milestone as it empowers congregations across denominational lines

Posts Tagged ‘new beginnings’

Stained Glass provides innovative approach to reaching young adults

stained glass movement

It’s a movement that is targeting Millennials and catching on in several Disciples churches in Illinois.

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Denominations join efforts to help Texas congregations make New Beginnings

Transformed and empowered leaders are critical to leading congregations to do God’s mission in the world in this challenging era in congregational life.

Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation offers leadership and ministry resources that help raise up these leaders and prepare their congregations for transformation.

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Forty five individuals across three denominations gather for training

2014 CARE group

Last week in Indianapolis, Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation hosted a first-of-its-kind training event. The event brought together three groups of people who work to help Hope Partnership live out its mission of “empowering courageous leaders.”

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First Christian Church of Olympia, Washington

What is God calling us to do and be in this time and place? 

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